Tax Law demands special attention in the monitoring of the various changes proposed by the legislative and executive branches, which directly impact the activities developed by the clients.
Therefore, the Hapner Kroetz Law Firm has a team that exclusively takes care of tax issues, both in the judicial litigation area and in the consulting area, qualified to perform a wide variety of legal services related to the matter.
What we do
- Consulting focused on tax aspects related to the operations of Brazilian and foreign companies, in their daily routine, involving direct and indirect taxes, social security and customs matters, transfer pricing and international taxation;
- Structuring of mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, infrastructure projects (electric power, oil and natural gas, mining, telecommunications, sanitation, transportation, ports and airports), seeking tax efficiency;
- Tax structuring of business and corporate activities, venture capital operations, startups and joint ventures;
- Tax structuring of corporate financing operations and project financing;
- Legal due diligence in tax matters, with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital investments and infrastructure projects;
- Advice and negotiations on tax incentives, including regional, sector and special tax regimes at the federal, state and municipal levels;
- Advice and negotiation of tax transactions with public agencies;
- Preparation of advisory and legal opinions on tax matters;
- Administrative and judicial litigation in tax matters, at federal, state and municipal levels;
- Customs litigation.
Related areas
Legal Due Diligence
Banking and Finance
Foreign Trade and Customs
Communication and Telecommunications
Investimentos Florestais
Novos Negócios
Papel e Celulose
Planejamento Patrimonial e Sucessório
Tecnologia, Internet e E-Commerce